Why natto is good for you?
Why natto is good for you?
Why natto is good for you?

Polyamine, an anti-aging substance

Polyamine, an anti-aging substance

Polyamine is a substance synthesized from amino acids that are contained in the cells of all living things. It affects propagation and survival within the cell and is essential for living things — not only animals and plants but microorganisms as well.

Recent research into polyamine has reported that it has anti-aging properties. An increase in polyamine concentration in the blood has been shown to suppress the substances that trigger arteriosclerosis, one type of aging, and it also tends to suppress the chronic inflammation reaction of blood vessels.

Moreover, the effects of polyamine do not only relate to arteriosclerosis. It also helps to improve blood circulation and rejuvenate blood vessels and the cells of the immune system and so on. In addition, an increased quantity of polyamine in the body is thought to result in a constitution that can more easily burn fat, making it more difficult to gain weight.
"The polyamine in natto can prevent aging and arteriosclerosis!" (PDF file)

Polyamine can be synthesized in the body. Unfortunately, the amount of polyamine in the body is known to decrease as one ages.
However, it is possible to ingest polyamine from foods, and moreover it is easily absorbed from the stomach and large intestine. Happily, it is possible to maintain a high concentration of polyamine in the blood by eating foods that contain large quantities of polyamine.

At this point, we come back finally to natto. As you will see, natto contains large quantities of polyamine. Data have shown that a one-person serving package of natto contains 1/5 of the recommended daily intake of polyamine for a Japanese person. "What is the relationship between polyamine and natto? Includes major functions and recipes using natto — Health information column" (Suntory-Kenko.com)

Originally known to promote digestion, natto also enables one to ingest its polyamine content. For people concerned about anti-aging, this makes natto doubly delicious.

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